Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Local Man Learns Gravel Road Lesson

The first snow of the season has gone. And as the melting snow disappears, so has the gravel on the "Charming Lane". Wheels churning in the right track have thrown the gravel to the right, while wheels on the left have churned the middle-of-the road gravel to the left. The right wheels now can gain traction only by moving further to the right, throwing gravel to the far right. The left wheels must move further left, leaving the middle-of-the-road bare and muddy. Eventually the gravel will entirely off the road lying ineffectually in the weeds and the road will become impassible in bad weather.
After enduring a slick bumpy road, the neighbors will realize it's time to lay down a new load of gravel. That usually happens in the Spring after a stretch of bad weather. Politicians could learn a lot from a gravel road.


goatfarmer said...

Local Man: If the right wheels move further right, and the left wheels move further left, won't the car split in half? Or is it a Buster Keaton car? Is your column an allegory about the polarization of American politics?

Shenandoah said...

You are one clever goatfarmer. Is the "Buster Keaton" car an allegory for the Republican or Democratic party?

goatfarmer said...

Neither! It's an actual car! It splits in half then comes back together.