Saturday, February 05, 2005

Local Man Discovers Well Being

Living in the Valley means no water bills and no sewer levies. An additional benefit is that when the wind is just right on a summer day, the septic system provides a distinctive country air usually associated with a cow pasture. There is however a drawback or two. A power failure means that in addition to having no lighting, cooling or heating. there is no water because the motor 200 feet below ground needs electricity to run the pump to lift the water from way down there to the faucets and toilets. So Local Man and Local Woman have learned to pay close attention to weather forecasts. If there is a possibility of wind, snow or sleet it is prudent to keep a least one bathtub full of emergency water. Cooking on a coleman stove and eating off paper plates can be fun, but no washing or flushing is not fun, especially for Local Woman.

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