Thursday, February 10, 2005

Local Man Suggests Punitive Damages Fix

Local Man has come up with a fix for the punitive damages awards that are causing fear and dismay in certain political circles.

Successful Plaintiff is awarded full compensation for the damages suffered because of the "bad things" done. That is good says Local Man.

Punitive damages punish Malefactors (America's huge corporate citizens or others who have lots of money) who do "very bad things". It is a fine that will make them think twice about doing more very bad things. Local Man says: "Stick it to them!"

Successful Plaintiff gets the big fat punitive damage award (at least the part remaining after Clever Lawyer gets his cut). "Hey! Wait a minute" says Local Man. "When the courts fine people for doing very bad things, that money belongs to all of us. Successful Plaintiff already got full compensation. S/he should have no better claim to the punitive damages jackpot than I do. Treat punitive damages like the fine it is. Give it to the government so it can be used to prevent others from doing bad things in the future, or avert the Social Security crisis or at least reduce our taxes."
"And by the way, since Clever Lawyer has already gotten paid for his work proving Malefactor did all those bad things, lets limit Clever lawyer's cut of punitive damages to say $100,000."

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